WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Paper 1 6 September2005 CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM COMMUNICATIONS PLAN The Operating Principles state that the Forum shall achieve communication with people interested in outdoor access in the Cairngorms National Park, in accordance with a Communications Plan, which will establish the purpose, nature and methods of such communication. Purpose 1. The Forum is required to both give and receive communication from the public regarding outdoor access issues. Specifically, the Forum needs to be generally aware of, and where appropriate advise on, the concerns and queries that are raised by the public regarding outdoor access. At a strategic level, the Forum has a role to play in the information provision and education of the wider public on outdoor access matters in the National Park. 2. The communication plan is expected to be rolled out gradually over the next few months in accordance with the developing capacity of the Forum and officers to undertake the specific actions involved. Who the Forum will communicate with 3. The Forum will endeavour to communicate with the following organisations and individuals that have an interest in outdoor access. The list is not comprehensive and it is expected that other partners and individuals will be identified as knowledge of the Forum and its work develops. Community - Association of Cairngorms Community Councils - Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce - Editors of Community Newsletters - Local path groups and community development trusts - Local conservation groups – natural and cultural heritage - Ranger Services Incl. interested individuals Recreational Users - British Horse Society - Cycling Scotland - Cyclists’ Touring Club - Highland Cycle Campaign - Mountaineering Council of Scotland - North East Mountain Trust - Ramblers Scotland - Scottish Canoe Association - Scottish Endurance Riding Club - Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education - Scottish Orienteering Association - Scottish Sports Association - Scotways - Sportscotland - Sustrans Incl. local recreation user groups and clubs Land Management interests - Association of Deer Management Groups - British Association for Shooting and Conservation - Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group - Forestry and Timber Association - National Farmers Union Scotland - National Trust for Scotland - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - Scottish Estates Business Group - Scottish Gamekeepers Association - Scottish Rural and Property Business Association Incl. individual estate owners and land managers National Park Authority groups - CNPA Board - The Visitor Services, Information, and Tourism (ViSIT) Forum Others - Cairngorms Campaign - Grampian Enterprise - Highland and Islands Enterprise - Moray - Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey - Enterprise - Local authorities and adjacent Local Access Forums - Scottish Environment Link - Tayside Enterprise - Visitscotland How the Forum will communicate 4. Meetings – the Forum will make minutes and agendas of meetings widely available to the public. This will be done by setting up a mailing group open to all those individuals and organisations that want to be copied into papers. The mailing group will be predominantly email based but will not preclude sending out papers by post. As the Forum is an advisory rather than a decision making body, it is currently envisaged that meetings will not be open to the public. This will be subject to review after a year’s operation. 5. The Press – when appropriate issues arise, the Forum will communicate via the Press using regular post-meeting press releases. The Forum will target the main local papers - the ‘Strathy’; the Deeside and Donside Pipers; the Northern Scot; the Forfar Dispatch Group and the Press and Journal. The Forum will also consider communicating where appropriate with more specialist press such as community, land management and recreational user magazines. 6. The Website – the Forum will seek to establish two way communication with interested parties and stakeholders through the CNPA website. 7. Newsletter – the Forum will look at the feasibility of communicating with stakeholders and interested parties using a short newsletter dedicated to outdoor access issues. 8. Use of Subgroups – where considered appropriate, the Forum will set up working groups to address specific topic or area based access issues. The subgroups may consist of Forum members, external interested parties and specialist advisers. 9. Annual Gathering – The Forum will convene an annual conference on a key theme of outdoor access aimed to involve the wider population of outdoor access interests. Fran Pothecary August 2005 franpothecary@cairngorms.co.uk